Selasa, Februari 12, 2008

Kritik Arsitektur

Kritik Arsitektur dapat dibagi kedalam tiga kategori:

Kritik yang didasarkan pada kepercayaan adanya.
“a model, pattern, standard, or principle against which its quality or success may be assessed”

Doctrinal criticism has as its basis a doctrine, such as; form follows function, and tends towards “the belief that there is a single approach for accomplishing our purposes and a single standard for measuring our achievements”

Systematic criticism is an “alternative to the single doctrine…[it] is an interwoven assemblage of principles or factors, a system for judging”

Typal criticism is based upon structural, functional, and form types.

Measured criticism assigns numerical standards to provide the norms against which something is judged.

Kritik personal, untuk memperlihatkan sudut pandang kepada orang lain.
“the interpretative critic seeks to mould others’ vision to make them see as he does”

Advocatory criticism is employed by a critic who is an advocate of a building or place and is, “concerned primarily with engendering appreciation, not with passing judgment”

Evocative criticism “uses whatever means are needed to arouse similar feelings in the reader/viewer. The evocative critique is not right or wrong, but a surrogate experience”

Impressionistic criticism “uses the work of art or building as a foundation on which the critic then constructs his own work of art”

Kritik untuk ‘menolong’ kita melihat apa yang sebenarnya ada.
“more than the other forms of criticism, descriptive criticism seeks to be factual…it does not seek to judge nor even to interpret, but to help us see what is actually there”

Depictive criticism does not judge, but merely depicts what exists; such as, how people move through a space. Biographical criticism provides others with and understanding of the artist in order to allow a better understanding of their intentions.

Contextual criticism provides information about the social, political, and economic context in which something was designed.

Sumber bacaan: WAYNE ATTOE, Architecture and Critical Imagination.

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