Waktu mendengar lagu ini aku teringat akan seorang teman. Seorang teman yang sudah lama tak lagi terdengar kabar beritanya. Seorang teman yang telah di tinggal pergi papa-nya tersayang, ke alam yang berbeda.
Betapa dia sangat mengagumi papa-nya. Hal itu bisa terlihat dari tingkah laku dan sikapnya. Dia pernah bercerita; "kadang-kadang tanpa ku sadari, aku telah berbicara sendiri, seolah-olah aku sedang bercakap-cakap dengan papa".
Dia selalu ingat rutinitas papa-nya, yang selalu memberi kecupan di keningnya sebelum tidur. Dia juga pernah bercerita; "alangkah setianya papa ku, papa selalu hadir menemani dan meluangkan waktu untuk memberi semangat, ketika aku mengikuti setiap perlombaan sewaktu aku masih kecil hingga remaja".
Sebuah foto hitam putih ukuran 4x6 itu, tidak pernah beranjak dari dompetnya.
Teman mungkin kamu suka lagu ini:
Oh God-our heavenly Father.
Oh, God-and my father
Who is also in heaven.
May the light of this
Flickering candle
Illuminate the night the way
Your spirit illuminates my soul.
Papa, can you hear me?
Papa, can you see me?
Papa can you find me in the night?
Papa are you near me?
Papa, can you hear me?
Papa, can you help me not be frightened?
Looking at the skies I seem to see
A million eyes which ones are yours?
Where are you now that yesterday
Has waved goodbye
And closed its doors?
The night is so much darker;
The wind is so much colder;
The world I see is so much bigger
Now that I'm alone.
Papa, please forgive me.
Try to understand me;
Papa, don’t you know I had no choice?
Can you hear me praying,
Anything I'm saying
Even though the night is filled with voices?
I remember everything you taught me
Every book 1've ever read...
Can all the words in all the books
Help me to face what lies ahead?
The trees are so much taller
And I feel so much smaller;
The moon is twice as lonely
And the stars are half as bright...
Papa, how I love you...
Papa, how I need you.
Papa, how I miss you
Kissing me good night...
Barbara Streisand - Papa, Can You Hear Me?
Papa, Can You Hear Me? - youtube
***You might not be a perfect man, but you are a perfect Father for me...
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